
We are Wiccans of the Order of Horse and Moon and are a British based network of covens and Wiccan groups. The Order has a very wide range of contacts around Britain. We currently maintain a network of around 750 Wiccans across the UK.

Traditionally coven Wicca has been hard to access for seekers. The motto of the Order is “an it harm none do thy will”. This reflects our mission which is to provide access to coven Wicca for all seekers. We do this by running public rites which allow people to connect with Wicca. Around these we provide training and a straightforward path into initiatory coven Wicca.

The Order maintains a temple in London and has access to secluded private land in Hampshire which is used for rituals.

The minimum age to join, or be involved with, the Order is 21.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi QQ – are you actually descended from Robert Cochrane or do you simply base your activities on his teachings and practices?

    1. Hi Peter,
      We are a lineaged group but not lineaged to Robert Cochrane. We are a stream of Cochrane but are lineaged directly to older traditions. These are the traditions that Cochrane claimed initiation into, however neither our group, nor I believe others, believe that Cochrane was actually an initite of these traditions.

      We have never claimed a lineage to Cochrane as we have our own lineage based on the Horse traditions so it would not make sense to linage ourselves to a newer tradition. We do however accept the primacy of the Wiccan Rede as the basis of our philosphy. Since this was produced by a member of the Thames Valley Coven we see ourselves as part of the Cochranian tradition. We are a stream of Cochrane and not a lineage.

      We have always been very clear on this within our group so I am sure that your comments must be based on what you have read and not on what you have been told by members of the OHM. Please let us know if you feel that this site is claiming a Cochrnaian lineage or is in any way unclear on this issue. If so we will look at what changes are needed to clarify this matter.

  2. Hello,
    When and where do you meet up in Birmingham? I’m a solitary looking to see if a coven is the way to go forwards for me.
    Thank you very much,

    1. Hi Jess,
      This is a response to a request for information from one of the contact points connected to the Wiccan Federation or one of its associated groups. You asked about the situation in Birmingham. We don’t currently have a group in this area although we are keen to start one. We do, however, have a training course called Seven Moons which allows for training remotely. This trains seekers in Wicca over a six month period. It is connected with one of our covens in London and allows an individual to train with the support of this coven, and attend its new moon meetings if they are in London. If you would like to join this course please let me know. The course is free if done by e-mail or you can join the course by post in which case charges apply as we have to print and post the material. Please contact cochranefaithful@yahoo.co.uk if you wish to join the course.

  3. Hi, I’m based in the high peak Derbyshire area. I’ve been ion the path for 4 years and last year.i am looking to be initiated in the new year and meet fellow witches, can you help at all
    Luna anathena

    1. Hi Luna,
      This is a response to a request for information from one of the contact points connected to the Wiccan Federation or one of its associated groups. You asked about the situation in Derbyshire. We don’t currently have a group in this area although we do have a Meetup group in Manchester. We do, however, have a training course called Seven Moons which allows for training remotely and also allows for initiation into Wicca. You can find our more about the course or join it through the Seven Moons website at http://sevenmoons.weebly.com

      This course connects primarily with Cochranian and Gardnerian Wicca however other traditions are available. The course trains seekers in Wicca over a six month period. It is connected with one of our covens in London and allows an individual to train with the support of this coven, and attend its new moon meetings if they are in London. If not the course material can be studied remotely. If you would like to join this course please let me know. The course is free if done by e-mail or you can join the course by post in which case charges apply as we have to print and post the material. Please contact cochranefaithful@yahoo.co.uk if you wish to join the course.

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